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Due to the new government ruling, angling and boating will be allowed from Weds 13 May.
Boats will be allowed out with members of the same household and one person who is not a member of your household. This will be strictly enforced.

Please contact the boatman (see below) as normal for fishing or to access lockers.

The club is not open and we would ask that you respect social distancing in the boatyard and locker rooms.

We will continue to review the situation and post updates as necessary.

07872 138641

to check that someone is on site.

Full Angling Trust guidelines for Clubs

From their website:

The Prime Minister announced the resumption of ‘unlimited outdoor sports’ from Wednesday providing they are conducted alone or with members of the same household or with one other person not from your household and that social distancing rules are followed at all times.

A government source confirmed that “outdoor exercise includes angling, golf, water sports and tennis providing social distanced from Wednesday.”

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New Members

The club has a keen beach and boat angling and social community. We can accommodate boats up to 23 feet in length in our secure compound provided they are fitted with beach keels, as boats are beach launched. We have workshops for boat maintenance and fitting of keels by yourself if required, and secure storage areas for outboard engines and fishing gear.

The area around Hastings uniquely offers a very wide variety of fishing, see our club records and photo gallery. You will be in good company in this very friendly club.  Our members come from all walks of life and can offer help and advice if required. Our membership fees are very reasonable.

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Risk Assessment

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Current Sea Bass Regulations

The EU Fisheries Ministers have announced an agreement for recreational angling bass limits for 2020. 

1st March to 30th November 2020:  two bass per angler per day can  be retained.  The MLS of 42cm still applies. 

1st Jan to 29th Feb 2020 &  1st to 31st December 2020: Catch & Release only